When you have to file an insurance claim, it typically means that something has happened to your primary mode of transportation. Perhaps you were involved in a collision with another vehicle or maybe some act of nature caused damage to your vehicle in the Bloomington, Fishers, Indianapolis, or Plainfield areas.
At Andy Mohr Collision Center, we can help you with repairing the damage that’s been done to your vehicle, but we can also provide some much-needed advice. If you’re new to the claim process, there are probably some questions coming up that you don’t have the answers to, but we do. Here’s some advice for properly navigating the insurance claim process.
Steps in the Claim Process

- Contact the Proper Authorities – If another vehicle was involved in how your vehicle was damaged, you’ll want to contact the local authorities. The police will be able to walk you through the process of the accident report, and for the most part, they’ll do the heavy lifting. However, you have to make sure you remain on the scene to answer any questions they may have about what happened. This is the way they determine fault in the accident, and your claim may not go as planned without their official report.
- Compile the Necessary Information – If it was an act of nature like hail damage, a tree falling on your vehicle, or a deer collision, then you’ll need to collect some information about where the damage took place, what exactly happened, and whether you were driving or if your car was parked at the time.
However, if the damage was caused by a collision with another vehicle or an object, you’ll want to collect several pieces of information. First, you’ll want a copy of the police report as well as any photos that you have taken of the vehicle. You’ll also want the other driver’s complete information including their name, driver’s license number, license plate, address, phone number, and insurance information.
You’ll also want to have all the details of the accident, so it might make sense to talk to some of the people who are at the scene. Many times, other drivers will stop to be of assistance. Collect their information in case your insurance company needs them for their eyewitness reports. Many times, this will be included with the police officer’s report, but not always, so it’s helpful.

- Call Your Insurance Company – As soon as you reach a safe place or after you’ve returned home from being checked out by a medical professional, you’ll want to make the call to your insurance provider. There will likely be a direct extension to speak to someone in the claims department, so make sure you’re paying attention when you call.
Once you’ve started an official claim, they’ll assign you to a claims specialist. This person is most likely going to want to see your vehicle, so they can properly assess the damage. They’ll also speak to the service professionals at your chosen garage where the vehicle was towed. This person will be the final say as to whether your vehicle is simply damaged or if it’s a total loss, so pay close attention to what they have to say. They’ll walk you through the rest of the process if necessary.
Let Us Help with the Repairs
If your car simply needs to be repaired, we can help at Andy Mohr Collision Center. All our service professionals in all four of our convenient locations (Bloomington, Plainfield, Fishers, and Indianapolis) are highly trained and ASE Certified. These professionals specialize in everything from removing small dents and dings or damage to your paint job to frame repair. We also offer towing services, so contact us today to handle your vehicle’s damage.